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How to wear a Fanny Pack

As many of you have seen fanny packs are Back!!! Some of you will jump on board and some of you may not, but our favorite athletes have definitely have. I for one have also joined in on this fanny pack frenzy. I have three of them. They are great because they are small and do not hurt my back like backpacks or handbags and they allow people to carry the essentials and few other things they might want. They also allow the person to have their hands free for those great shopping excursions, traveling via subway, bus, airport and to wrap your arms around your loved ones.

Now I will get to the point of this post. How do you wear it? There are many different ways.

1. The most common: Buckled horizontally around the waist with pouch to the front. Example pic:

2. Fanny pack buckled horizontally around the waist with pouch to the back. Example pic:

3. Fanny pack positioned diagonally across the chest with pouch to the side. Example pic:

4. Fanny pack buckled horizontally across the upper part of chest. Example pic:

5. Fanny pack positioned diagonally across the chest with pouch in front. Example Pic:

6. Fanny pack positioned diagonally with pouch across the back. Example pic on far left


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